Tuesday 4 November 2014

Beauty Sleep- It's Not a Myth

 To all out there who try to carve an extra hour out of every fleeting day and burn the metaphorical candle at both ends, stop! That candle will soon burn out and you'll be left withered up and puffy-eyed trying to remember what your middle name is.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, humans are the only mammals that willingly delay sleep. Why do we do this to ourselves? Look how happy the monkeys and the giraffes are and look how well-rested the koalas and the sloths look; not a bag under those eyes to be found. We must take note and adjust the workaholic tendencies that plague our sleepless lifestyles. A beautiful life of balance is key.

Here are the facts about sleep and reasons that our outer appearance becomes impacted when we don't get enough (I'm no scientist, but the physiological and physical impacts a good night's sleep have on a person are enough proof for me to get those much needed z's):

  • During sleep, we are not entirely at rest; our body is continuously working to restore, process and strengthen itself after the depletion that may have occurred throughout the course of the day
  • Sleep helps to consolidate memories from the completed day. We take in a massive amount of information throughout any given day. This information is processed and substantially stored  mostly while we sleep. For this reason, it is obvious that pulling an all-nighter to cram for an exam or test, is less effective than studying hard the day before and following this with a full night's rest.
  • Your skin cells regenerate during sleep thereby giving a renewal to the entire appearance of your complexion, according to author of Forget the Facelift , Doris Day.
  • "Lack of sleep causes blood vessels to dilate, causing dark circles under the eyes." Sonia Bansal, Dermatologist.
  • Lack of sleep also causes you to be more stressed and this tension shows in your face.(my own personal experience has been helpful to my knowing this fact).
  • Lack of sleep is also linked to more serious physiological effects such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and depression.
Although there are many negatives that coincide with lack of sleep, in regards to complexion, skin recovers quickly so it's not too late to change up your sleep routine and get your body back on track!

Here are a few tips for a better night's sleep and less negative impacts to complexion and appearance while you sleep:
  • Get on schedule! You must vow to yourself to go to bed at a certain time each night so that your body gets into a rhythm. Aim for at least 7 continuous hours of sleep a night.
  • Lay off the booze before bed. Alcohol is a stimulant and although you may easily pass out after a couple glasses of red, you'll be wide awake in the early morning hours and cursing yourself for consuming any of it, with an inability to doze back off to sleep.
  • Skip the afternoon or early evening coffee. Caffeine is a stimulant that will have you bug-eyed for hours.
  • Become a back sleeper. Sleeping on your stomach or side increases puffiness to the under-eye area and the pulling on the eyes when pressed against the pillow case leads to fine lines developing. Laying on your back also drains any fluids from under the eyes so that when you awake you look better rested.
  • A bedtime routine is paramount when preparing your mind and body to rest. This gives the signal to your brain that the day is done. Cleanse, moisturize, massage the face and crawl under the covers for the rest you undoubtedly deserve.

Sweet dreams!
Jessica Ashley

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