Book Reviews and Author interviews

Never Have I Ever, by Katie Heaney- A Book Review

November 5th, 2014

I came across the book titled Never Have I Ever: My Life (So Far) Without a Date, while scanning the display tables at Chapters Yorkdale and was immediately drawn to the cover. A pattern of rosy hearts splashed across it, and a timid looking woman with head in hands drew my attention. Why? I suppose because this young woman reminded me of the twenty-year-old me; uncomfortable in my own skin, undeniably awkward and shy and unsure of what my future held in store. I also found the title quite humorous and as most know, if you've had a chance to read my novel, and my biography, I am always drawn to reading and writing tales of woe that involve humorous bits.

The book's author Katie Heaney is, in fact, the young woman on the cover. The tale is a forthcoming telling of Heaney's own life events involving relationships and love, or I suppose the lack thereof. I had to have it, even if only to draw comparisons between Heaney's real life trials and my own. Isn't that what engages us all while reading autobiographical accounts? The possibility of finding some similarities between our own hardships and those of people we've never met? Perhaps even to celebrate that ours aren't quite so bad when held up and measured next to those who so willingly pour them out onto paper? Maybe it's just me.

About The Author

Katie Heaney is a 25-year-old writer living in Minneapolis. She earned a BA in political science from Illinois Wesleyan University in 2009 and a master's degree in public policy from the University of Minnesota in May 2012. She has written for BuzzFeed, New York Magazine, The Hairpin, The Awl,, and The Rumpus, among other publications.

The Synopsis

'So begins Katie Heaney's memoir of her years spent looking for love, but never quite finding it. By age 25, equipped with a college degree, a load of friends, and a happy family life, she still has never had a boyfriend ... and she's barely even been on a second date.

Throughout this laugh-out-loud funny book, you will meet Katie's loyal group of girlfriends, including flirtatious and outgoing Rylee, the wild child to Katie's shrinking violet, as well as a whole roster of Katie's ill-fated crushes. And you will get to know Katie herself -- a smart, modern heroine relaying truths about everything from the subtleties of a Facebook message exchange to the fact that "Everybody who works in a coffee shop is at least a little bit hot."

Funny, relatable, and inspiring, this is a memoir for anyone who has ever struggled to find love, but has also had a lot of fun in the process.'

The Review

The book was engaging from the first page to the final word. By the end I truly felt that had I been a couple of years younger, Katie and I could have been the best of friends, telling our stories of love almost gained and lost. The language is clean and effective with wonderful description.

I suppose the only negative comment I have to make is that some portions of Heaney's accounts dragged on a bit and some seemed unnecessary, although it is an autobiography so clearly Heaney found all aspects pertinent enough to add. None of these additions turned me off from continuing to discover more about Heaney's trials and tribulations.

I would recommend this book to YA readers as it truly is something that young women who are beginning to discover the importance of friendship and love and are just setting off to find their way, would identify with(although I suppose we are all finding our way, no matter what age we are). I believe it is most identifiable to the 18-25 age group. That doesn't mean that women in their 30's and 40's wouldn't find enjoyment in it, however.

The Rating

I give this delightful and honest read 4 Stars!

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Connect with Katie




Happy Reading!
Jessica Ashley

October 28th, 2014

Greeted by cheering enthusiasts, Kinsella, bestselling author of the Shopaholic series and a slew of other entertaining reads, entered the overflowing room at 8705 Yonge Street in a stunning black pant suit.  Statuesque, elegant and graceful, she strode to the podium awaiting her and offered her appreciation to all in attendance, a beaming smile across her face all the while.  Her words at the podium were few, yet her melodic voice and magnetic demeanor had us all entranced and satisfied by what little was said. Immediately Kinsella invited her fans to engage with her at the signing table. 

Seeing as I was one of the first to arrive at the venue this also meant I was one of the first to get to be invited up to the table for some one-on-one time.  I felt tongue-tied and in awe that the woman who has not only entertained me with her witty and charming tales but who has also been the main source of inspiration behind my debut novel, The Tantalizing Tale of a Bitter Sweetheart was sitting across from me radiating the warmest and most welcoming smile. I slid my newly purchased copy of Shopaholic to the Stars  along the table to her saying as I did so, "Thank you for visiting us, Sophie" and then flashing a smile at the Indigo staff member who was the designated photographer for the evening. 

Quickly I turned to Ms. Kinsella while she was personalizing and signing the copy for me and asked, "What is your favourite part of being an author?" To which she replied, "This, of course." I smiled and added that it is obvious Toronto has much love for her and thanked her once more. Ensuring to take my book with me as I went past the never ending lineup of individuals waiting to get up close and personal with this icon of the chick lit literary world, I pinched myself, to make sure the moment was all real. I checked my phone to inspect  the quality of the picture ( not the best, but it will do) turned to the page on which Ms. Kinsella signed and reveled in the moment. 

I have to say that the hours leading up to Ms. Kinsella's arrival when I was able to interact with die hard fans similar to myself,  allowed me to reflect on all of the years that her novels have seen me through. Kinsella books (as well as Madeleine Wickham books which are novels written under Kinsella's actual name) have kept me entertained and allowed for lighthearted comical escapes consistently for the past decade. Tonight was a dream come true in the life of Jessica Ashley. 

I have already cracked the cover of Kinsella's newest publication Shopaholic to the Stars and have laughed out loud at least five times within the four chapters that I have read so far. A full review of the novel will be posted here once I've read it in its entirety Based on her track record, I'm sure Sophie Kinsella has managed to write another gem filled with more Becky Bloomwood blunders that will earn it a full 5 stars from this girl!

Happy reading!
Jessica Ashley

October 25th, 2014
Welcome to all things novel!

 Firstly, I'd like to say how thrilled I am that Ms. Sophie Kinsella herself will be gracing our wonderful city with her presence this week. Toronto loves Sophie and we're so very excited that her Shopaholic series is continuing with her latest publication Shopaholic to the Stars.

 If you have had a chance to check out my Goodreads page you probably know that Sophie Kinsella is the biggest inspiration behind my debut novel, The Tantalizing Tale of a Bitter Sweetheart and although Ms. Suzy Turner (Reviewer at Fiction Dreams) review of my novel indicated that she didn't  entirely enjoy my debut novel's genre and silliness, she still gave me the ultimate compliment when she wrote "If you like your chick lit absolutely packed full of silliness (think Shopaholic meets Bridget Jones), then this book is for you" I screeched in delight at this offered comparison because I love both of those publications so fervently.

It is therefore without question that I will be at Sophie's Wednesday evening event with my newly purchased copy of Shopaholic to the Stars in hand and I will be sure to give you coverage and a play-by-play of my fanatic experience.

Reviews (to come)
If you wish to have your novel reviewed please send a review request to

Read on,
Jessica Ashley

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