Saturday 28 June 2014

Over Joyed

I recently awoke from a deep sleep after returning from one fantastic party where I and some friends were able to visit a little piece of Mexico in the heart of the city at Playa Cabana. Amazing tacos of all sorts, tortilla chips with the most delicious guacamole and spiciest salsa, tequila infused lemonade (or should I say lemonade infused tequila?) satisfied our appetites before we headed further downtown to work off all of the ingested, divine calories on the dance floor. I currently have no voice which is a tell-tale sign of a fantastic time. Meeting the head producer of the HGTV network was icing on the cake. It's my favourite network and I won't even try to hide it, so yes I swooned a bit.

Now it's time to set my focus on another party. Yes, my book launch date is finally set! Hallelujah. August 22nd is the launch date, my friends. The party will be synchronized with the event, of course, and will be held at a venue that has a name entirely representative of my emotional state in the moment. Joy Bistro and Over Joy Lounge in Leslieville is the perfect little locale for unveiling my creation and sending her off into the world. Please receive her with open arms.... okay, okay enough of the motherly extended metaphor, I know it's been overdone, like my makeup may or may not have been last night.

I will be sending out invites for the event through my email list. A fundraiser for the Because I Am a Girl initiative will be included in the launch event, as well, and for those that are not in Toronto but would still like to donate, I will set up a link on my author website and it will also be shared right here.

In the meantime, have a look at some of the scrumptious eats Joy Bistro offers

All I can say is yummmmmm.....

The elegant yet rustic appeal of the upstairs dining room and Over Joy outdoor lounge, which is where the party will be held, perfectly complement my taste and will surely be a setting where my guests are made comfortable. Their mojitos are dynamite as well ;)

I'll be overjoyed to welcome you all at Joy! (wahn wahn wahn)

If you've yet to see it, check out my trailer for my novel, The Tantalizing Tale of a Bitter Sweetheart by clicking here
Please follow the links below to learn more about the Because I am a Girl cause initiated by Plan International:

Connect with me on Linkedin Jessica Ashley Dafoe
For copy editing services check out my site by clicking here
Follow me on twitter: Jessica Ashley@City_Rhapsody

Thursday 26 June 2014

The Sweetest Thing

Sweetness- the quality of being sweet. Used as an affectionate form of address, though often ironically...When it comes to the events that I've enjoyed since writing my last post, there is no  ironical sweetness to be found. Sweetness encompassed the past 2 weeks in both the literal and the figurative (Ok, so perhaps the incident where my car was towed, this past Monday, and I had to fork over a sizable chunk of my week's pay to get her back, does not quite equate to a "sweet" event. Let's just pretend that one never happened.)

This note in parentheses aside, over the course of the past couple of weeks I found myself indulging in celebratory sweetness while ringing in my new year. Yes, my birthday. I know for many, there is a looming negativity that, for whatever reason, is attached to the "one year older" realization. Perhaps it's the fear of not having accomplished all that was expected by a certain age, perhaps it's simply due to the physical worries; those being the worries about what gray hairs, fine lines and/or wrinkles are inevitable and set for arrival over the upcoming 365 days. That inner voice that wants to harass and pester us with self-talk such as "I graduated from high school how long ago? Damn I'm old!" and "That new teacher across the hall wasn't even born yet when Thelma and Louise ended it all on the big screen...bitch!" doesn't help much either. 

As I ran through all of the calculations in my mind as to how long it's been since I graduated from pre-school, middle school, high school, my undergrad degree, teacher's college, moved to Toronto, lived in England, taught in Spain then began pining for those earlier times, I stopped myself and my usual brooding and moping that the looming number usually results in. Instead I began to remember the challenges, the poor judgement, the naivety and the sometimes wavering sense of direction that my early to mid twenties involved. To be honest, I would not go back to those years if I was paid a fortune to do so. The sweetness of this past year, and the incredible solidity of my life's path over the past couple of years is far more attractive to me than having a more youthful complexion and lower digits in the "age" section on all of those travel contest entries I fill out endlessly (I won once! It can happen again!)

Sweetness came in all forms, such as in the delicious cake I shared with family, including my beyond adorable nephews. At one point I was handed my gifts and those cuties surrounded me and grasped them all from my hands, opening them as if the cards and gifts were their own. For 3 days I couldn't find my card from Mom and Dad and I was sure little Welly (only a year and a half) had gotten a hold of it. He's big into reading these days. My suspicions were right. 2 days later I got a text from my Mom "We found the card Dad and I gave you! It was in the tickle trunk!" The tickle trunk is just a fun name my brother, Matt, termed the toy trunk in their sitting room. (RIP Mr. Dressup). I laughed out loud while attempting to wrap up the final school day. 

Sweetness also came in the form of sending off the 2013-2014 group of students I taught.They headed off to their summer and on into the 5th grade. I climbed up on stage on Tuesday in front of the student body, teachers and all parents to attempt to describe the remarkable bunch of kids I had the pleasure of teaching. I reflected on the year and all of the progress they each made,  knowing that in my very own classroom I had in my presence, for a short time,  future politicians, world leaders, comedians, entertainers, engineers, best-selling authors, brain surgeons and professional athletes. Hearing multiple times from parents that their child was truly happy in my class and that to them, as parents,the happiness of their child is the most important factor in a given day.  These accounts at the end of year, melt my heart and mean the world to me as an educator. By times, we teachers wonder what it's all for. Some days feel thankless and leave us pulling out our rapidly graying hair, but it's these confessions that keep us coming back with even more enthusiasm, raring and ready to go into the next school year. 

Of course, sweetness followed as the faculty gathered for an end of the year rager (ok it was just a BBQ with a few cocktails), and will continue on as I'm set to celebrate my birthday with a few of my besties and favourtie people this weekend. The sweetness factor will continue for this new year of mine, I am sure. The excitement I have welling inside me for my book launch and touring can be equated to the feeling I would get as a child right before I jumped on the giant slip 'n slide in the back yard.  The book will be launched on August 22nd. A party and fundraiser will happen in conjunction and I hope to see many of you there. Cheers to getting older, bolder and following your heart!

If you've yet to see it, check out my trailer for my novel, The Tantalizing Tale of a Bitter Sweetheart by clicking here
Please follow the links below to learn more about the Because I am a Girl cause initiated by Plan International:

Connect with me on Linkedin Jessica Ashley Dafoe
For copy editing services check out my site by clicking here
Follow me on twitter: Jessica Ashley@City_Rhapsody

Happy reading!
Jessica Ashley Dafoe

Sunday 15 June 2014

A Tribute to My Father.. I Mean Dad

"All together now, one at a time." Just one of the ridiculous, nonsensical expressions my dad uses and then splits a gut laughing about after everyone looks at him in utter confusion.  He's always been not just the father my brothers and I need, but the dad we all admire and love spending time with because of his childish and silly ways that are just so well balanced by his applicable wisdom and advice in any given moment, pertaining to any issue or experience we may need direction on. Not only that, but my dad has always been our biggest supporter (along with my mom). He may offer his fatherly advice on our choice of path and perhaps nudge us with his wise words, but no matter what path we embark on he has always believed in each of his children and celebrated each of our successes with pure joy and delight (no matter how many shakes of the head came before the moment of achievement).

To me, Dad has always been the very embodiment of the perfect man. A man who loves my mom endlessly, works tirelessly to support his not always deserving children with their goals and aspirations and still has always found the time to spend meaningful moments with us all. He never missed  a baseball game of mine or a dance recital (although there was one time he and my brothers left early to head home and watch game 7 of the Stanley Cup. It's OK guys, I get in now. I forgive you.) He always made it to my brothers' hockey, football and rugby games. He did his best to get us all involved in "family fun" activities such as the year he signed us all on for golf memberships at Camelot Golf Course. I'm still missing a putter from when my brother Matt dumped my entire bag down the side of a jagged cliff on the 12th, in pure frustration brought on from my whining and complaining.  I'm pretty sure I never finished a full 18 on that course. My brother Nick and I would always have a dust up around the 16th hole. Mom would just keep smiling and no matter how far in to the woods our ball would hook, she always had an encouraging comment such as "Great contact!" Dad would just play on, coach and motivate. At least my swing improved. "Watch the club face meet the ball, Jess," Dad would say. Much more strategic advice than my  grandpa Dalton's advice, "Grip it and rip it!"

Father's Day is a day that we are all reminded of what it is our fathers mean to us. My dad has always been and continues to be my hero.  Every day I get to spend with him is a blessing and every conversation I have with him is always filled with meaning and purpose, laughter and delight. I thank God each day for blessing me with the remarkable man that I get to call "Dad".

Being a father is one thing, but it's a special man, who truly seeks to know and understand his own children, that deserves the title of "Dad".

Happy Dad's Day to my wonderful dad and all of the amazing dads out there!

Please follow the links below to learn more about the Because I am a Girl cause initiated by Plan International:

Connect with me on Linkedin Jessica Ashley Dafoe
For copy editing services check out my site by clicking here
Follow me on twitter: Jessica Ashley@City_Rhapsody

Happy reading!
Jessica Ashley Dafoe

Sunday 8 June 2014

Oh, so hey, yeah so I'm a published author, but what now?

I'm a published author! A dream of a lifetime is now a reality. I have yearned for this moment since the fourth grade when my teacher raved about my story writing abilities and handed me the Young Author's Award after she insisted she read my solemn tale R.I.P. Katie Marshow, for the entire 3rd and 4th grade to hear. I was too shy to read it myself. I remember the story was intended as a tear-jerker and included supernatural elements. It is the account of a young girl who dies suddenly in a tobogganing accident and then continues to communicate with her loved ones in the afterlife. Apparently I wasn't always adverse to the genre of the paranormal.

I'm currently sitting at my local Starbucks while The Boss' gentle harmonies and soothing yet husky voice serenades me. A song I'm not familiar with but one with lyrics that are exactly representative of my feelings at this exact point; lyrics expressing the recent achievement and excitement that in itself brings a sense of euphoria but also an unsettled and perturbed feeling. The "what now?" syndrome. 

Yes, I am continuing to outline and set up the action of events for the sequel to my debut novel, The Tantalizing Tale of a Bitter Sweetheart. Yes, I intend to continue blogging about everything involved in the marketing process and the excitement about touring. Yes, I intend to continue to dabble in other various forms of writing, such as script writing and children's writing. However, none of these newly set goals will ever recreate the absolute elation I feel in this moment; the moment of my life-long goal being brought to fruition. Or will they? See, I'm new at this whole author thing. Does that same passion envelope an author with every piece they set out to write? I suppose my fear is that from now on all writing endeavors will be completed in an anxious manner while attempting to rediscover the same passion I've felt while writing my first novel, but to no avail. I guess only time will tell.

I've already indicated that I am a bit overly critical of myself and sometimes my direction in life itself. Perhaps there is a touch of Portia Delaney in me, in this regard. Once again, I feel more than blessed by all of the support I've received and encouragement from friends, family and (holy crap) fans? Yes I guess I have a few of those. It has been an unbelievable year, and I fully intend to keep you all updated on here in regards to my continuing journey through my touring and on into my experience while writing the sequel. Oh boy!

I will leave you with the most recent review written about my novel, by the lovely Lynda Castonguay of Fashion Studio Magazine :

With a mature tongue and welcomed wit, Jessica Dafoe transports us into Portia Delaney’s daily grind as a medical assistant with her heart pounding dream of being a fashion designer dictating her every direction.

Jessica injects the story with the fanciful we all know fashion to be but her narration does not stray from the realities of reality - in that, to dream sometimes means to struggle. As her story unfolds, with personal and professional blunders peppering the pages, a message also unfolds: the fight - from conception of the dream, to the follow through, to the outcome - is worth it.

Please follow the link to read more of Lynda Castonguay’s  fashion based reviews

Please follow the links below to learn more about the Because I am a Girl cause initiated by Plan International:

Connect with me on Linkedin Jessica Ashley Dafoe
For copy editing services check out my site by clicking here
Follow me on twitter: Jessica Ashley@City_Rhapsody

Happy reading!
Jessica Ashley Dafoe

Monday 2 June 2014

Cover reveals and shout outs and sunshine, OH MY! (check out my cover and a video message from moi)

Well it has been a long time coming but was most certainly worth the wait. I had no idea what to expect and seeing as I am usually overly critical of my creations and self in general, I was prepared to send the outer gleaming package back for an overhaul upon arrival. Not the case! Me loves it! (so much in fact that I've thrown proper grammar out the window.) Ch-ch-check it out folks!

She's stunning and I'm not even going to try to be modest about it.

In addition, I just wanted to send along a BIG thank you to my returning viewers, but thought it would be best to communicate my thanks on a more personal level. Forgive my incompetent video creating skills. It ends abruptly but I was just rambling after that point any way. I know the frozen clip looks like I'm serenading but you aren't that lucky (this time anyway).

Please follow the links below to learn more about the Because I am a Girl cause initiated by Plan International:

For copy editing services check out my site by clicking here
Follow me on twitter: Jessica Ashley@City_Rhapsody

Happy reading!
Jessica Ashley Dafoe