Thursday 3 April 2014

Trust the Process

Oh, the roller coaster that is the creative process....A friend of mine who is an award winning artist recently posted a creative process find outlining the main thought process that one experiences when completing a work. The process is as follows:

1. This is awesome
2. This is tricky
3. This is shit
4. I am shit
5. This might be okay
6. This is awesome

When putting your heart and soul into a task having little to no idea as to how it will pan out or be received by an audience, second guessing the end result is a given. Initially, I began writing my novel as a hobby and a challenge. Many times before I have thought about doing this very thing but just always had some excuse or figment of a road block. "Oh, I'll get to it once I'm done this degree, or find my first full time teaching gig, or later when I've got a few years of teaching under my belt or later when etc....I'm just too busy, there's too much going on..."  Here I am on the other side of the excuses and the final plan of attack. The novel is complete and I love that I faced the challenge I set for myself head on, but the questions that irk me remain:
Is it any good?
Will it have an audience?
Is it purely a keepsake for me or is it something worth sharing?

About a third of the way through the writing process I decided that my manuscript would be more. I believed in it, and it's likability to a wide audience. I read it over fully after I added the final word and closed the final quotation. I felt drawn and was able to relate to the experiences of the characters. I laughed out loud at the funny interactions and intentionally ridiculous bits, but wasn't sure if it was actually funny or simply funny to me because I was so damn delirious and tired from putting every spare moment into writing my 386 page creation. So I read it again, and again, each time becoming more uncertain and less sure of how enticing it may be and as to how well it would engage a reader.

About two weeks ago I sent my manuscript off to be reviewed editorially. My heart was in my throat for the entirety it was undergoing literary autopsy. Meanwhile, I continued to drive myself nutty by returning to its pages and further scrutinizing my efforts. I found myself at stage 3/4 of the creative process. "OMG this is pure's so expected, no one is going to find this exciting or 'tantalizing'. A year of my life and spare time down the drain."  I knew that the only thing that would nudge me on to 5/6 would be a favourable review. Even a "Great debut novel, but needs tweaking and a structural overhaul" would have sufficed.

After a week and a half, my literary judgement day arrived. A single email from my publisher with the subject line Editorial Review Attached sat in my inbox ready for perusal. I felt faint, with eyes half closed I clicked the document. I began reading tentatively. Dumbfounded and in a trance-like state, I searched for the negatives. They never came. Not one negative comment was written about the tale and its structure. All that I was advised to do was to change a couple of words as they were a bit overused, and to double check the French that I included, seeing as a few plurals were used where singular usage belonged. Note to self: Don't attempt to write a novel in French.

The review was comprised of phrases such as 'amusement-filled', 'pure entertainment', 'a romp that is full of energy', 'excellent writing'  describing my efforts to create The Tantalizing Tale.

Then I began to think "Did someone pay this reviewer off? Is this for real? Aren't editorial reviews meant to rip apart a seemingly completed work only to cause the author to be knocked down a peg or two causing them the feeling that they are to begin almost entirely from scratch?" I suppose I had been hard enough on myself in the weeks prior as it was.

When I finally came to realize that this was no fluke, that I hadn't received the wrong attachment, that this was intended for me, I wept. Emotion overtook me as I thought about all of the hours I poured my heart out and into creating this tale that I intend as 'pure entertainment'.

That's not to say I'm back to the "this is awesome" stage of the creative process, but I'm well on my way and am sitting at a solid 5. Presently, I'm searching for additional reviews so I can stop asking random people on the street to pinch me back to reality (I'm getting concerned looks), and instead have full confirmation that I can and will reach that final stage of the creative process.

 And that end result, my friends, will be pretty freakin awesome....

Please follow the links below to learn more about the Because I am a Girl cause initiated by Plan International:

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Follow me on twitter: Jessica Ashley@City_Rhapsody

Happy reading!
Jessica Ashley Dafoe

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