Wednesday 22 October 2014

My Creation Station

Waking up Saturday mornings bright and early, while the sun is just rising to stream through the cracks of my bedroom blinds is my most favourite part of the day and week. Monday to Friday I slump to my feet, brush my teeth, eyes half closed, attempting to tick off the items that need to get done that day at the school where I teach. My energy level remains stagnant until at least 8 a.m. then I finally have my first sip of coffee and am able to liven up for my class of cuties. On Saturdays, my schedule is wide open to do nothing but WRITE and just the thought of having an entire day to myself, interruption free, to purely put pen to paper, or I suppose fingers to keyboard, is heavenly to me.  It’s an indescribable energy that surges through me waking me as early as 6 in the morning; one that I can’t explain and one that disallows me to nod back off to sleep. I don’t even curse the early time and the fact that I’m awake. I jump up and let the energy plot my course.

That course often takes me out of my 10th floor condo and down the road to one of countless coffee shops in the vicinity of my residence. This is entirely perfect seeing as when it comes to writing, I never visit the same coffee shop twice in a row. I need a selection and a change of scenery often.  The bustle of activity that surrounds me, the rhythm of the music that gently hums throughout the selected coffee shop of the day, the sound of the frother and the glorious aromas of the delicious blends of imported and local beans, the cheerful conversations between patrons at adjacent tables to my own, these are all welcome elements and necessary for the perfect setting while creating. Silence is death to my writing, no… more like murder.

If I attempt to write at home, the only area that proves to result in productivity is the balcony off of my sitting area. On the balcony I can hear the laughter of children at the park next to my condo and in the summer see them zipping through the spraying water at the splash pad. I see people jogging by and others walking hand in hand. At times the pub down the road hires bands to play on the patio in the middle of the afternoon and I let the harmonies resulting from their creativity inspire my own.

Seeing as I am not only a writer but an educator as well, I am fortunate enough to be given a number of weeks off throughout the calendar year. These weeks usually result in me heading off on numerous trips to a variety of destinations. I must say that I tend to glean remarkable benefits due to such experiences. From the people I meet, to the new surroundings I am able to become familiar with I have come to realize that it is when I travel that I collect much of my inspiration. 

I am a lively and active woman who needs activity and a buzz of energy around me when I write. If it isn’t there, I search it out, even if it means hopping a plane to find my muse.

Remember that you can always connect with me personally via my website at

In addition, please feel free join me on Goodreads at  if you want to begin your own Q&A with me. I'm happy to answer all questions, even the wacky and the weird. The wackier the better! I love thought provoking and intriguing questions, let's just be sure to keep things PG....we're just getting to know each other after all.

" The writing was strong from the beginning to end, and this was a solid debut from Jessica Ashley Dafoe that I recommend to chick lit fans!" Samantha March, Reviewer/Author/Publisher for Chick Lit Plus

"The Tantalizing Tale is fabulous! It would make a great love movie. I couldn't put it down." - Caroline Jones

If you've yet to see it, check out my trailer for my novel, The Tantalizing Tale of a Bitter Sweetheart by clicking here

Please follow the links below to learn more about the Because I am a Girl cause initiated by Plan International:

Connect with me  via my author website where you'll find additional info and learn how to get your hands on a copy of The Tantalizing Tale of a Bitter Sweetheart.

Happy Reading!
Jessica Ashley Dafoe

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