Tuesday 28 October 2014

October 26th, 2014

The hair growth mystery. Does your hair seem to be recoiling back into your head? Well first, it's not. It's simply in need of some TLC and these tips will assist you in getting the lengthy mane of locks that you truly desire without having to go extension shopping:

Don't Over-style

Over-styling can damage your hair causing the ends to continuously break off. Using high heat straightening irons and/or curling irons constantly can be stressful for the hair especially if appropriate protecting serums are not used. Even overuse of various hairsprays, gels and mousses can have a hair-breaking and damaging effect on your locks.  Give your hair a break, girlfriend! Let it go natural and embrace the untamed mane once in awhile. If this isn't an option for you be sure to use quality heat protecting products such as Karastese Elixir, Aveda Confixor Liquid Gel, Bumble and Bumbe Tonic Lotion, Kiehl's Heat Protective Serum and of course my personal favourite, everything from the Moroccan Oil line

Give the Brushing a Rest

Ensuring to brush your hair with 100 strokes every night before bed is not going to give you perfectly glossy, photo shoot-ready hair, ladies. It's simply going to stress the scalp because it pulls hair out of the scalp if the brushing is too vigorous. When you do brush it, be sure to use a wide tooth comb , comb through only dry hair and comb sparingly.

Cleanse With the Right Products

Using the appropriate shampoos and conditioners for your hair type is crucial. Don't just go with the bottles of shampoo that only have a regular moisture level you may have found in the half-price bin at your local drugstore, if you know that your hair needs extra moisture. Saving money initially will only make you regret having that extra bit of change in your pocket when your hair becomes so brittle and dried out that only pricey hair-care treatment will get it back to where it should be. Consistent cleansing with the appropriate products for your hair type is a must. If you are unsure as to what category your hair falls under, talk to your hair care expert at your choice of salon.

Let Your Hair Down a Little

Don't stress hair with restrictive and tight styles. Tight ponytails or unnecessarily tight buns pull on the follicle and inhibit growth. Also, never use rubber bands to pull hair back. Instead of tight ponytails or buns try a loose braid style.

Don't Stress! Get Some Rest.

Not getting the appropriate rest can cause your hair growth to become stunted. Sleep helps to regenerate all bodily cells including hair cells. A lack of sleep will disallow regeneration from occurring and therefore will harm the growth of your hair as well as inhibit skin regeneration, not to mention will make you fatigued and grumpy as hell.

Eat Those Fruits and Veggies.

As well as plenty of fish, poultry and eggs! (substitute proteins for the vegans and vegetarians out there). Nourish your body with the appropriate vitamins and nutrients and you will see the difference your diet has on your hair. Vitamins C, D, A,  and E along with protein promote necessary keratin production which is critical for your hair. Appropriate keratin production is the building block of healthy hair.

Get Trimmed Regularly 

No, getting your hair cut regularly will not make it grow faster from the root. This is a hair myth, but regularly going for a trim of damaged ends will halt breakage therefore allowing ends to continue growing healthily. Hair-care professionals suggest going for a trim every 6-8 weeks for best results.

In addition, steer away from chemical treatments and excessive colouring or bleaching of hair. Results may look great initially but will have a damaging effect on your mane.

Be Hair Happy!
Jessica Ashley

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